I know it is almost Christmas and I am just getting around to Thanksgiving. During this time of year the days just seem to go by so fast. There has been a lot going on.
On Tuesday before Thanksgiving I started a new job. For me it is ideal. Only two five hour days a week and it is while my kids are in school. I will be off on all days my kids are out of school and when it is summer they said not to worry my job will be there for me in the fall. Now for the part that most people don't care for. I am working for a church in their mothers day out program. I know for many that is terrifying. I am blessed with the 2 year old room. For me this is my favorite age. Everything is still new to them and you can see them grow from babies to kids. I am also lucky because this job found me I was not looking for it. I really could not ask for a better. To top it off on the first day it turned out that one of the mom's that grew up with me across the street from me! I had not seen her since her wedding a few years ago. It gets better her daughter is the only girl in my little class. I also have 5 boys. So far I have enjoyed every day. I have learned who likes to eat what with their lunches, figured out how to keep track of who's diaper has been changed and can even call them each by the proper name instantly. I love every one of their personalities as well. So far this job has given us just enough pocket money to make our holidays run smooth. I never knew how little it would take to take away the worry.
Now back to Thanksgiving. What is so special to me about this Thanksgiving table is how it all came together. This was the first time that I have ever used so much of my Crystal from my wedding. The looks on my kids faces when they saw they were going to get to use stem ware was just priceless. This was the first time that I have used my grandmother's china since I inherited it. This brought such a warm feeling to me. I was so close to her. I surprised my self when I was washing them. I actually enjoyed it. For the first time in my life when I looked at my own hands washing the dishes I could see my grandmothers hands. She was so proud of these dishes. It may sound corny but to me it made me feel like she was there enjoying spending time with the family again. I miss her so much. I opted to leave the silver flat in its case and just used our daily flat ware when I realized there was not enough to put one at each place setting. Besides I still don't get it or like to polish silver. Another first for me this year was I provided wine with the dinner. I think this really helped some of the guests feel a little more comfortable. I also had sparkling grape juice for the kids. My daughter was almost appalled when I poured her glass. She was not going to drink any "Wine!" Have to give the schools credit on scaring her about alcohol, but that is probably a good thing. For my friend Steph if she is reading this I would like to point out that the bread basket is one that I made in her class and because I was thinking of her I made my rolls from scratch (OK I probably would have done that any way but it makes for a fun story). The actual table we used was the one my mother gave me that resembles the one she grew up with and she used it the last few years I lived at home. So you see this table setting has allot of meaning to me. It required family and friends to make it come into one.
After dinner I gave the kids the wish bone to make a wish!
The girl won. I hope her wish comes true!
I am truly Thankful this year. I have my family, my friends and my health. This year I really felt blessed and it seems like the blessings just keep coming.